środa, 15 września 2010

Ryjkowiec po angielsku - Shrew'a adventures in english

Próba przetłumaczenia Przygód Ryjkowca na język angielski w celu zwiększenia ich popularności.
Wybrałem krótki fragment o wiośnie.

The adventures of little Shrew - english version.

In an attempt to increase the popularity of little Shrew I have translated a small part of its adventures to english - check it out for yourselves. Feedback appreciated!

Finally! Spring came! At last, the little shrew awoke to life from a long winter slumber.
The shrew began to sniff the surrounds the very moment it left the burrow, wondering whether anything had changed through the cold months, and then, when it familiarised itself with the world once again, it ran quickly to the meadows, and spent the entire day prancing and mucking about with tiny animals, which only his black beady eyes could ever notice.

1 komentarz:

  1. świetny pomysł, moja sugestia: róbcie wersje ang od razu pod orginałem PL i zaznaczajcie kursywą. Tak wydaje mi się będzie czytelnie :)
